An Illustrated History of the PORT OF HULL AND ITS RAILWAYS


Irwell Press




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An Illustrated History of the PORT OF HULL AND ITS RAILWAYS
This is the third Irwell Press book written by Mike G. Fell OBE concerning ports and their railways. The previous two have covered King’s Lynn and Goole. Mike, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, was in charge of the Port of Hull for sixteen years from 1987 until 2003 and previously was a stevedoring operations manager at the port for three years from 1977 to 1979. The book describes and graphically illustrates the history of the port and its railways from the time of the opening of Queen’s Dock in 1778 until the present day. One of the book’s chief aims is to dispel the widespread notion that Hull was only a fishing port. The fishing industry was once very important to the City of Hull but it actually formed only a small part of the port’s overall commercial activities. Hull’s success was founded on its ability to offer excellent facilities to increasingly larger ships which traded worldwide with a great variety of cargoes and the export of coal from the South Yorkshire coalfield, all of which arrived by train.