Guideline Railways 1. Northern Powerhouse


Guideline Publications

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Northern Powerhouse’ is the first in our railway bookazine series and showcases the lineside photography of Ian Edmondson. Born and raised next to the old Lostock Hall shed, Ian’s dedication to getting ‘that one shot’ has led him to travel the North of England seeking out locations that have enabled him to combine the best of the spectacular scenery of Yorkshire, Cumbria, and his native Lancashire, with the most interesting and unusual of the freight and passenger workings that thread through the area.
Often rising before dawn and driving for hours to stake out a single freight working, Ian’s passion both for the trains and the landscape around them finds focus in this remarkable collection of images that showcase not only his commitment and passion, but also reassures us that the railway lines that called out to the likes of Ivo Peters and Eric Treacy are still there, and have plenty to offer if we only know when and where to look.
It is the author’s hope that this collection – presenting images of contemporary workings in locations still current – will assist and inspire other enthusiasts to go out and find for themselves the best that Britain’s railways still have to offer .
84 pages