Steam in the Kitchen. Recipes with a Railway Flavour


Titfield Thunderbolt

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Ginny Barnfield Softback

This is a new edition of a little cookbook that Peter and Ginny Barnfield first produced 25 years ago, with the recipes from Ginny and delightful accompanying drawings from Peter. This edition has been printed to a high standard by Amadeus Press and was produced to mark the opening of the superb retrospective exhibition of Peter’s work which has just taken place at Bishops Lydeard, on the West Somerset Railway. An amazing collection of Peter’s work was on display, with many examples kindly loaned for the event from private collections. Themes covered abstract art, “Serious” railway pictures, Whimshire, book covers, Posters, and much more besides, a truly breathtaking collection of images produced by a very talented man. Chris Austin helped to make it all possible and I was privileged to attend on the first day and hear Chris’s wonderful and informative opening speech, paying tribute to Peter’s friendship, talent and also extensive work with the West Somerset Railway. This is an attractive bright yellow production with a laminated cover and coated cartridge paper, and so it will survive use in a kitchen environment as well as looking great as a book – so why not buy yourself two copies?

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Weight 0.10 kg


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